Unlocking Success: How to Start a Profitable Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative and rewarding ventures in the Nigerian agricultural sector. With a soaring demand for poultry meat and eggs, and a huge gap between local production and consumption, poultry farming offers a golden opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to tap into a booming market and make a fortune.

But how do you start a poultry farming business in Nigeria? What are the steps involved, the costs required, and the challenges to overcome?

In this blog post, I will guide you through the process of starting a successful poultry farming business in Nigeria, from choosing the type of bird to rear, to marketing and selling your products.

Table of Contents

Understanding Poultry Farming: A Lucrative Venture

Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learning About the Cost and Creating a Budget

Choosing the Type of Bird to Rear

Selecting A Suitable Farm Location

Providing Adequate Housing

Feeding And Caring for the Birds

Marketing And Selling Strategies


Understanding Poultry Farming: A Lucrative Venture

Poultry farming encompasses the raising of domestic birds such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and more, with the aim of producing meat, eggs, feathers, and manure for human consumption and other purposes. It represents a highly profitable venture with abundant opportunities for success. By tapping into the burgeoning demand for poultry meat and eggs in Nigeria, aspiring poultry farmers can not only reap significant profits but also contribute to reducing the country’s reliance on imported poultry products.

According to a report by PwC, Nigeria consumes over 1.5 million tons of poultry meat annually, but local production accounts for only 30% of this demand. The rest is met by imports from countries like Brazil, the US, and the EU. This creates a huge market gap that local poultry farmers can fill by increasing their production and quality.

Poultry farming also offers several benefits for farmers, such as:

– Low start-up and operating costs compared to other livestock businesses

– Short production cycles and quick returns on investment

– Multiple sources of income from meat, eggs, feathers, and manure

– High demand and consumption of poultry products across Nigeria

– Potential for value addition and processing of poultry products

Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria requires careful planning, research, and execution. Here are the main steps involved:

  1. Learning About the Cost and Creating a Budget

The cost of initiating and sustaining a poultry farm varies depending on its size and scale of operations. While small-scale operations require relatively modest investments in housing and feeding, large-scale farms necessitate substantial capital outlay for robust infrastructure and extensive management practices. Before embarking on your poultry farming journey, meticulously research the costs involved, and formulate a budget aligned with your financial capacity and business objectives.

Some of the major costs to consider include:

  • Land acquisition or lease
  • Construction or purchase of poultry houses or cages
  • Purchase of poultry equipment and tools
  • Purchase of day-old chicks or mature birds
  • Purchase of poultry feeds and supplements
  • Veterinary services and medications
  • Labour and transportation costs

Marketing and distribution costs

According to Nairametrics, the average cost of setting up a small-scale poultry farm with 500 birds in Nigeria is about N800,000, while a medium-scale farm with 5,000 birds can cost up to N5 million. A large-scale farm with 50,000 birds can cost as much as N70 million.

  1. Choosing the Type of Bird to Rear

The choice of bird species is pivotal in determining the success of your poultry venture. While options abound, chickens reign supreme as the most widely consumed bird in Nigeria, closely followed by turkeys. However, niche markets exist for alternative species such as quails, pigeons, and ducks, offering opportunities for differentiation and niche market penetration. Carefully assess market demand, profitability, and personal preferences when selecting the bird species for your farm.

Some of the factors to consider when choosing the type of bird to rear include:

  • The purpose of rearing: meat, eggs, or both
  • The market demand and price of the bird and its products
  • The availability and cost of the bird and its feeds
  • The adaptability and productivity of the bird in your climate and environment
  • The susceptibility and resistance of the bird to diseases and pests

For instance, if you want to rear chickens for meat production, you may opt for broilers, which are fast-growing and high-yielding birds that can reach market weight in six to eight weeks. If you want to rear chickens for egg production, you may opt for layers, which are prolific egg-layers that can produce up to 300 eggs per year. If you want to rear chickens for both meat and egg production, you may opt for dual-purpose breeds, such as the Kuroiler, Noiler, or Sasso, which are hardy and versatile birds that can thrive in rural and urban settings.

A Kuroiler chicken

Selecting A Suitable Farm Location

The location of your poultry farm plays a critical role in its success, opt for a site away from residential areas to mitigate potential odour-related issues. Access to clean water, proximity to transportation routes, and environmental considerations are key factors to consider when choosing a farm location. While starting small from your residence is feasible, scalability may necessitate relocation to a dedicated site conducive to poultry farming operations.

Some of the factors to consider when selecting a farm location include:

  • The availability and cost of land
  • The distance and accessibility from your target market
  • The availability and quality of water and electricity supply
  • The security and safety of the area
  • The climatic and soil conditions of the area
  • The presence and competition of other poultry farms in the area
  • The legal and regulatory requirements of the area

Providing Adequate Housing

Ensuring the comfort and security of your birds is paramount to their health and productivity. Various housing systems exist, ranging from free-range to intensive systems, each offering distinct advantages and challenges. Evaluate your farm’s size, budget, and management capabilities to determine the most suitable housing system for your poultry enterprise.

Some of the factors to consider when providing adequate housing include:

  • The type and number of birds to be housed
  • The space and ventilation requirements of the birds
  • The protection and insulation of the birds from weather and predators
  • The ease and efficiency of cleaning and disinfecting the housing
  • The cost and durability of the housing materials and equipment

For instance, if you want to rear chickens in a free-range system, you may opt for a simple and spacious poultry house that allows the birds to roam and forage outside during the day, and provides them with shelter and roosting space at night. If you want to rear chickens in an intensive system, you may opt for a sophisticated and enclosed poultry house that controls the temperature, humidity, and lighting of the environment, and provides the birds with cages or deep litter systems.

A free-range poultry house

Feeding And Caring for the Birds

Proper nutrition and care are essential for maximizing poultry productivity and health. Develop a feeding regimen tailored to your birds’ nutritional requirements, incorporating high-quality feeds and clean water sources. Implement rigorous hygiene practices and disease prevention measures to safeguard your flock’s well-being and minimize production losses.

Some of the factors to consider when feeding and caring for the birds include:

  • The type and age of the birds and their nutritional needs
  • The availability and cost of commercial or homemade poultry feeds
  • The frequency and quantity of feeding and watering the birds
  • The hygiene and sanitation of the feeders and drinkers
  • The vaccination and medication of the birds against common diseases and parasites
  • The observation and monitoring of the birds for signs of illness or stress
  • The disposal and management of poultry waste and litter

For instance, if you want to feed your chickens with commercial feeds, you may opt for starter, grower, and finisher feeds, depending on the age and purpose of your birds. If you want to feed your chickens with homemade feeds, you may opt for a mixture of grains, legumes, oilseeds, and supplements, depending on the availability and quality of the ingredients. If you want to feed your chickens with natural feeds, you may opt for green fodder, insects, worms, and kitchen scraps, depending on the suitability and safety of the items.

Chickens eating from a feeder

Marketing And Selling Strategies

Effective marketing is crucial for positioning your poultry products in the market and maximizing profitability. Leverage digital platforms, social networks, and local networks to promote your farm and engage with potential customers. Explore partnerships with restaurants, hotels, and catering services to expand your market reach and increase your sales volume.

Some of the factors to consider when marketing and selling your poultry products include:

  • The target market and customer segments for your poultry products
  • The pricing and packaging of your poultry products
  • The branding and promotion of your poultry products
  • The distribution and delivery channels for your poultry products
  • The customer service and feedback mechanisms for your poultry products

For instance, if you want to market and sell your poultry meat to restaurants, you may opt for bulk packaging, competitive pricing, and reliable delivery services. If you want to market and sell your poultry eggs to households, you may opt for attractive packaging, premium pricing, and convenient distribution channels.

A poultry product packaging


Poultry farming is a rewarding and profitable business that can transform your life and livelihood. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can start your own poultry farming business in Nigeria and reap the benefits of this booming industry. Whether you want to rear chickens, turkeys, ducks, or any other bird, you can find a niche market and a loyal customer base for your poultry products.

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